Kai Chang

Check out some of the projects that I've worked on.

Breakout AI

Breakout AI

Experience the classic arcade game with a twist as you challenge an AI opponent powered by Unity's ML-Agents toolkit in this exciting Unity game project.

Languages: C#
Frameworks & Technologies: Unity Game Engine | Unity ML-Agents Toolkit


Marina Management API

Cloud-based REST API for managing a marina.

Languages: JavaScript | HTML | CSS
Frameworks & Technologies: Node.js | Express.js | Google Cloud Platform

Stock market

Stock Article Analyzer

Web app for analyzing stock articles.

Languages: Python | HTML | CSS
Frameworks: Flask | Bootstrap

Neural network

Neural Network

Feedforward neural network utilizing backpropagation.

Language: Python

About Me

Hello! My name is Kai and I'm currently studying Computer Science. I'm passionate about technology and love problem solving.

Hike Mountain bike

Some of my hobbies include hiking and mountain biking.
